Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Friendships are the key to survival...

Why not move to China?  That was my initial thought.  Take a job and explore a country where I had only visited once…Yes please!  I thought that I could try anything for a year.  Why not?  See the world and feed that hunger for international travel that drives me.  So Chengdu it was to teach English for a year.   Looking back over this past year here in Chengdu, there are many things that have contributed to a successful year.  Settling into a city that has almost the same population, as your entire state back home, can sometimes be overwhelming.  

As I start my second year here, I have found that there is one essential ingredient that one must have to ensure an incredible transition to Chengdu: Local friends.  The friends I have made here in Chengdu this year truly have made the difference.  I have found most of the local people here truly have a warm spirit with making friends with the "laowai" in town.

So to honor those who have truly helped me to fall in love with the City of Pandas, here is a top local friends list...

Real Estate Agent:  WOW!  Coming from the US, apartment hunting can be quiet an obstacle.  Whereas in the US, you simply walk into various leasing offices and ask to see their available units, the challenge of finding the right place to call home is overwhelming.  Set aside the language barrier, but the process of finding an apartment can be a daunting task.  Our real estate agent, Kevin, was like a God send!  For one, he deals with foreigners frequently.  So his understanding of those unique essentials is very helpful.  You know, the western toilet, filtered water cooler, oven, possible clothes dryer (I know we scored on this one) and so forth.  He accompanied us to the police station to register our residence and has played the role of a local guide walking us step by step through the entire leasing process.  He continues to help us navigate through the daily challenges of living in a house here with repairs and other issues.

Other local "laowai":  To me, finding the true beat of any city, is finding those who already have roots planted here.  Especially when you are able to identify or relate culturally.  Having someone to simply show you the ropes who understand your paradigm is like that MasterCard commercial...Priceless!  These friends are easy to find once you begin to discover the places in town where foreigners dwell and relax.  Popping into the right coffee shop or restaurant, its easy to strike up a friendly conversation.  What I have also found is the true camaraderie of the foreign community here.  It reminds me of my roots growing up in Tennessee, where "Southern Hospitality" as a way of life and a true reputation.  

Local colleagues:  This is probably a given in the line up here, but
never to go without mentioning those you spend most of your time with weekly.  Asking the simplest questions to my local colleagues has made life so much easier.  Whether its been to read a simple text message received from my bank, to assist to pay my cell phone bill or to simply know what to order at lunch, my colleagues have truly paved the way.  In return, its asking the simply cultural questions and customs surrounding holidays, traditions, and other ways of life one may not be so familiar with in the first year.  Typically, I have found my local colleagues understand sometimes the challenges we face relocating here and are more than willing to extend their expertise. 

Doctor: Now this could be a tricky one, but I must admit that knowing a local doctor is truly a gift.  Of course, we all soon become familiar with the International clinics here, but its more than just knowing when or how to call them.  Through my circle of friends, I was fortunate to meet a local doctor who practices medicine with a more western mindset.  In retrospect, the convenience of going to a pharmacy here is very different from that of the States.  It makes you ask the question “why is medicine so expensive in the US.”  Walking into a pharmacy here, simply tell them your symptoms and they are glad to refer several options.  However, its best to have medical knowledge before jumping right into the first antibiotic you see.  This has been where a simple text or Wechat message has truly been beneficial.  I have found myself, when feeling under the weather, taking a mixture of western medicine and Chinese traditional methods.  For example, trying ginger tea with a cough or sore throat before jumping to get a cough syrup.  Asking my doctor friend has been very helpful in knowing what not to take and how to find what you truly need.  Also, you just never know when you will need one’s expert opinion. 

Bankers:  WOW!  If anyone has had the "opportunity" to deal with any banking transactions here, the frustrations just continue to go on and on.  Depending on the part of Chengdu that you live in, can determine whether your local branch speaks English.  A simple money transfer than make take 10 minutes back in the states is like a full half day process at times if you don't know the system.  Having a friend at the bank or at least someone who is willing to help and able to help you navigate through those moments of distress when you can't figure out your account is priceless.  Banking probably becomes one of the biggest tasks I procrastinate on when I know I have to go.  However, I will say, finding a local branch that is friendly to foreigners and understand their daily banking needs has been a tremendous help! 

All in all, the friendships here in Chengdu have left me incredibly lucky and blessed.  These friendships are not just about what I can receive, but honestly my life has been enriched by their willingness to help this foreigner settle into Chengdu.  Their patience, their kindness, the laughs over this past year makes me excited to call Chengdu home for another year.  This coming year, its my goal to pay it forward and pay it back to my friends who have welcome me with open arms.  Xie Xie wo de peng you!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

什么?我住在中国一年了? Shénme? Wǒ zhù zài zhōngguó yī nián le?

Its hard to believe that one year ago, I uprooted myself from the beautiful sunny city of Orlando and moved to the other side of the world.  I took the leap to move to China to feed a desire and dream within my adventurous heart.  I thought, I could do anything for a year...Why not?  What I didn't realize is what would happen within that year and how it would change my life...forever.  I thought I would give this job a try and then go back after a year.  What I discovered was much more than I anticipated.

After a year here in China, I have learned more about myself and about the world.  Its incredible helpful to get outside your box or comfort zone.  I guess you can say I have always been know to think outside the box and hate being defined or confined to a box.  I have learned the importance and the role of patience, friendships, family, endurance and love while here.  One of the hardest times of this year was losing my Mee Maw.  She was one of the most amazing women I have ever met.  She taught me about life...simply by the way she lived.  She was the strongest person I ever met.  She
lived an amazing 97 years.  In her last year, it was difficult for me to not be
able to be there for my family...especially my mom.  There were many Skype conversations, emails, international calls that grieved my heart and spirit...but I have no regrets.  Going home for my Mee Maw's funeral was an expensive and yet a priceless trip.  The things she taught me growing up and even into my adulthood, still are the essence of who I am and how I treat people.

Moving to a country where the culture is so different and the language barrier can be very frustrating is a challenge I wish more would dive into in the US.  It forces you to look inside yourself and to see what you are really made of here.  You find yourself asking WHY? so many times, yet still the sense of adventure drives you.  I have to admit one thing...I am in LOVE.  Yes after a year here in China...its true.  My heart has been wooed.  My desires continue to grow.  I feel like there is so much more to see and do...that my bucket list could fill a huge bucket!  This past year has gone by so quickly I admit.  It really seems as if I have only been here a couple of months, yet the experience of another year of the Holiday season in China is around the corner.

Sentimental.  Privileged. Blessed. Honored. Grateful. Thrilled.  Excited. Curious. Anxious. Hopeful. STOKED!  Emotions all of which I am feeling at the same time when I look towards this next year.  OH yea...I'm staying another year here in Chengdu.  I feel like I can't leave now.  There is so much more to explore, so many more memories to make and so many more adventures to be had.  I have fallen in love with a culture that embraces beauty in many ways.  A culture that sees simplicity as a way of life (at times).  Tea is more than just a warm drink...but a way of life.  Food is shared amongst friends and welcomes new ones...if they can handle the spice!  A people that are beautiful inside and out.  A history that is older than we can truly imagine.  A society that is rapidly growing and evolving.  China has captured my heart...and the people too.

One could look at the challenges that a foreigner faces here in China and ask why the heck are you staying there?  The language barrier. The difficulty sometimes finding "western" things...like deodorant.  The incredible difficulty with the banking system.  Continuous challenges with crowds of people and living in a city with almost 15 million people...the population of Tennessee and Georgia combined! However, I don't see it as this.  I see it more as a way to experience a place so many will never get the chance to experience.  Its my journey to MY LIFE.  Grow up, move to a nice city, start an exciting career, buy a house, start a family with 2.4 children and a dog and invest for retirement...sounds like the most boring thing to me.  Granted its great and amazing for those who have that desire and this fulfills them.  My heart has the deepest desire to see the world and to meet many people from various cultures, backgrounds and walks of life.  My spirit wants to see the world and all that its holds from mountains, to rivers, to valleys, to places of interest and the 7 wonders of the world.  I don't want to be stuck putting away dreams on a shelf in hopes of one day being able to dust them off the shelves of life and revisit them at a later age and stage.  Selfishly, I want to enjoy this life as it is now.

So yes...I am staying in China another year.  To be honest...I see myself here for a while.  When I log-in to catch up on the news back in the US, I am reminded of the trap of becoming so ethnocentric that I forget to see the rest of the world.  I see the world as both extremely big, yet my playground in the  backyard at the same time.  Much like Veruca Salt from Willie Wanka...I want the world and I want it NOW!  Its hard to convey all that I am processing and feeling at this point of time.  I hope this is a taste of me right in this moment.  Much like the first sip of a freshly picked Tieguanyin tea brewed and sipped amongst friends...this is just the first sip of my experiences and reflections...

Why Everyone Should live in China as least once!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Flexible and Fluid...

Well I have been in Chengdu for 3 weeks now. Have my apartment and look forward to making my home MY home these next few weeks.  More and more I'm simply sitting back and finding time to reflect and readjust my ways of thinking and mindset.  As a foreigner living in china, the challenges never stop.  It's not bad at all, just learning to adapt to a whole new environment completely.  The literal environment where you check the air quality each day to see if you will wear your mask or not.  Not having your own car and relying completely on public transportation (taxi, bus, metro).  Cultural norms and social etiquette constantly being challenged or unexplained, but expected. Oh and yes...the language. Walking into a restaurant and open the menu to find only Chinese and few pictures is sometimes quite intimidating and frustrating.  However, I am so glad that I have been wired the way I am.  Many have described me as easy going and laid back.  This has definitely helped my transition time here in China.  Sometimes the best thing I can do is simply laugh and just say "Oh China!"

Example, imagine working a long day and you simply want to get home and change and relax. You grab a taxi and start to contemplate what you will do as soon as you get home. Dinner? Shower? Make some tea? Your ride home suddenly begins to look unfamiliar and you realize the taxi driver is taking your on a sightseeing your of the city....at your expense. Unfortunately you cannot speak the language to tell him you know he's going the wrong or long way. Watching the meter climb, you just sit back and enjoy the sites. Thankfully the taxi isn't too expensive.  And you may have found a new area of town.  It's all part of the experience right?

Imagine walking along minding your own business. You grab a coffee or food and feel dozens of eyes staring at you. At first, you are self conscious if your fly is down or if there is something on your face. Then you just realize you are a foreigner and that's just what happens.  Or the best, you are sitting in a coffee shop reflecting/writing your blog. Suddenly a grandma basically shoves her grandchild in your face to say hello.  She keeps smiling really big and speaking words that have no understanding to you, yet desperately is trying to communicate to you something about her grandchild. Then u realize she just wants to take a picture with a foreigner and her grandchild. I can't tell you how many times I have posed with complete strangers.  It totally cracks me up.

Being flexible and fluid is a gift!  A wise teacher once told me "be ye flexible and you won't break!"  I've latched onto those words here lately. In no way am I complaining, just reflecting here and hoping to give you a little perspective into life here recently.  I often just laugh at all the funny things that happen or I find here.  Shopping at a big store and trying to find a specific item is a giant treasure hunt. It's a game here.  Oh the days I would love to find a Target or Publix here. However, I doubt they would allow the hanging dry meat, pig snouts, whole ducks with heads or other live animals aka dinner.

More and more this experience of living in china has been like no other experience before.  Renting an apartment...wow...now I could write a whole movie script for that one.  I'm still not sure if it would be a comedy, drama or suspense movie. Just depend which apartment we visited and what process we are dealing with at the time.

All in all, I'm starting to dig in and settle my roots here. It's starting to become home.  That's another mindset I feel you have to take here. You can't have the mindset of I am just here for a short term, that's not helpful.  Fully jumping in and becoming part of the city, neighborhood and community is vital to a healthy and happy stay. No matter if this is a one year, two year or ten year stay.  It's allowing yourself to be part of the community and not just a visitor.  I've already have future blogs toiling in my head...here's a couple topics:  the guest chef for Chinese New Year, Chinese medicines verses western medicine, now why do you do that here, and my favorite...you want me to eat what?  Stay tuned....pictures are worth a 1000 words sometimes!