Friday, January 30, 2009

Shattered Pieces

Smashed. Shattered pieces all over the cold and damp cobblestone road. The little pieces are there in shambles. In utter disbelief, you simply stare at the results. You recall its priceless value to you. Sure you paid a cost to acquire it and to keep it safe. It was shared with those most dearest to you. They too saw the incredible worth, value, uniqueness, and its exceptional workmanship it possessed. Never in a million years did you imagine that you would be looking at it so broken and in disarray. The thought of this solid possession now destroyed because of carelessness and produces knots in the depths of your soul.


What is it for you? What are you looking at that has become shattered into pieces? Those things that are most valuable to you seem distant and impossible to mend. STOP. There is Hope. Faith. Love. Determination. Restoration.

Slowly the pieces begin to come together. Its as though a master craftsman knew exactly how this valuable, one-of-a-kind treasure should be put back together. Now its like it has never been before. Strength and durability are new attributes of this recent shattered treasure. A fresh perspective is needed. This once valuable treasure that was broken, has a second opportunity. Don't give up! Go out on that limb and pursue it! Maybe that means putting on your "big boy" pants and admitting you were wrong. Maybe that means swallowing that horse pill of pride to only release the most authentic relationship you have ever had. Or even better, maybe its taking time out and sitting down to share those dreams with others. Others whom you trust and value...gaining their wisdom and insight and allowing them to encourage you to press forward. Yet, it could be as simple as finally sitting down and taking out that favorite pen and writing what you have always dreamed of writing. Using the perfect phrases and metaphors to paint pictures with words or to release that encouragement for someone else.

No longer are there shattered pieces sitting on the damp, chilled cobblestone street. Rather, those pieces have been picked up, lifted, restored and revived. Sometimes it takes a little breaking to produce a wonderful matter what its initial value was!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Its been stirring in my heart for so long... These desires, dreams, hopes... You know when you have a passion for something you know that is yours to do, but doubt or disappointment, life or even others simply keep you from moving on those things. Its time to birth those dreams. To pull them out of the depths that have been pressed down for way to long. These dreams I speak of are tools, resources, pictures, words for thought...they are stories. They are stories from the most inner part of my heart that beat deep within. Talking about these stories this weekend to others has awakened something.

I have always been told that words have power. To be careful of the tongue because it has the power of life or death. Speaking out loud these things and stories that are in my heart is birthing something...something I know that is larger than me. At the same time, I feel a caution to be discerning as to whom I share these dreams and visions. Will "their" words encourage or discourage? Will they construct or destruct. Picture an egg. White and smooth on the outside, yet the most precious part of the egg is hidden beneath the fragile shell. If the egg is properly loved, nurtured and cared for...then a new life is born out of the cracking of the protective shell. That life pushes through the membrane and breaks forth to see light. It spreads its wings and eventually able to fly...just as it was created to be. Yet, predators loom around 'cause they, too, understand the value and treasure beneath that friable shell. Will that egg one day produce a new life that will eventually fly to be...or will it be invaded by the enemy of doubt or criticism? It is given a fair chance and allowed to be birthed or it is disregarded because of its uniqueness? Is it loved, nurtured and seen as a fragile treasure one day soon to be soaring above those predators?

Our dreams are only dreams until we release them. We speak them out into existence, yet protective not to allow those predators of doubt and control loom. While I may not always agree with things that Jesse Jackson says or does, I found this quote interesting: "No one should negotiate their dreams. Dreams must be free to flee and fly high. No government, no legislature, has a right to limit your dreams. You should never agree to surrender your dreams."

To those who dare to dream deep and big...I say DREAM! To those who have dreams you are holding to and afraid to share them...I say Dream aloud! To those whose dreams have been crushed, I say rekindle those dreams. To those who encourage the dreamers...thank you! Thank YOU! You are truly dream releasers by the words you speak! You are speaking life so that dream can crack out of the shell of a dream to only become a reality!

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” --Ashley Smith

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Beginning...

The temptation is overwhelming. You can't help but keep looking at it, thinking no one will catch you. Just one time...but that one time will last forever. Haven't you ever seen freshly poured concrete and wanted to scribe your initials or put your infamous hand prints firmly in the mush. Just that little moment of impression, leaves a imprint that will last forever. Those who stroll by will wonder whose hands those are and what those silly letters mean beside them. Those impressions or imprints are easily made with little to no harm. Sure, maybe the general contractor may raise a brow or throw his gloves in frustration as his smooth masterpiece has been slightly altered. But its the memories of each time YOU pass by those hand prints, you instantly remember that day...

Those impressions and imprints are easily seen. The ones that are often not seen so clearly are on the ones we leave those of most valuable...our kids, friends, family... How many times have we counted the cost of what it means for a father to pick up his son and throw him in the air playing Superman. When mom's homemade cookies right after the worst day of school seems to pull out the true events of the day, yet seems to mend the brokenness of the day. How those encouraging words from a teacher sent you home with hope and inspiration to be the next ____. We all walk daily in this journey called LIFE not knowing often what kind of imprints we choose this or that. Our words carry the ability to leave those lasting hand prints of hope, encouragement, disappointment, shame, guilt or strength.

So what lasting impressions are you leaving? Men...what kind of father are you training up your boys to be? Mothers, what kind of wife are your young daughters going to be by following your example? Teachers, coaches, pastors...what will the lives of those under your care bloom into in 10, 15, 20 years. After all...we all leave impressions and imprints on the valuables we touch...